Animals That Start With The Letter O In Spanish
Source - Oxford Spanish Dictionary. Symbols other than those below are from The Noun Project collection Handshake symbol by Jake Nelsen from The Noun Project collection Paint Palette symbol by Okan Benn from The Noun Project collection Hand symbol by Ugur Akdemir from The Noun Project collection.
Spanish Animal Alphabet Print Animal Alphabet Spanish Animals Learning Spanish
Click on the audio button to hear how the Spanish word is pronounced.

Animals that start with the letter o in spanish. The format is an easy-to-use illustrated word book. Quique - a type of weasel. If you want more there are lots of sites you can search for words starting with ñ.
Includes translations for several animals - Pig Chicken Frog Horse Cat Dog Sheep and Bird. Águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in Spanish of the animals that are living on Earth. El ratón la ratona male mouse female mouse.
Animal names in Spanish with BASHO FRIENDS - Animales. The crimson bee-eater is a small African bird forming part of the bee-eater family. Even preschoolers can surf carefully chosen kids sites on the web.
The word is ñu which is Spanish for gnu a type of antelope. The other are not well-known. Nutriaotter narvalnarwhal novillaheifer novilloyoung bull 012.
Quetzal - a type of parrot. Here is a list of the most commonly used Spanish words similar to English words starting with the letter O. The pictures and words in this on-line illustrated dictionary are links to educational activities games and nursery rhymes.
PecesOtros animales acuáticos FishOther aquatic animals. Source - Vox New College Spanish English Dictionary. It lives in low altitude places and prefers to nest in areas with bushes and wetlands.
The following is a list of Spanish language vocabulary for common mammals and sea mammals. If you need to distinguish between the female and male of a species and there arent separate names you can use the invariable adjective hembra or. If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device.
Quelite - a fat hen. Letter P panda panda. Caballito de mar Seahorse.
Llama - Llaca a sort of weird rodent Y. La vaca el toro cow bull. Anchoa Anchovy.
As you can probably detect from its name tt feeds on insects and bees. Updated Oct 5 2017. Letter O oso bear poster.
Oveja sheep poster. Pez espada Swordfish. Little Explorers - An English - Spanish picture-dictionary for children with links to educational activities and games.
Most of these animals are very weird only llama yarará yacaré yaguareté yegua and quijotillo are normal spanish animals. Letter Ñ ñu gnu wildebeest info coloring. El tigre la tigresa male tiger female tiger or tigress.
Asked by Wiki User. A very good childrens video with a catchy musical flair. Includes a short list of land mammals in Spanish and sea mammals in Spanish.
Here you have a list with. Nutria otter poster. Yegua Mare Yarará A kind of snake - Yak A sort of bison - Yacaré Alligator - Yaguareté A sort of jaguar.
9 years ago. Nice good job - 006595c6 Oct 2 2017. Letter N narval narwhal.
In most cases you would use the Spanish word as you would the English word.
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